What to expect?
England & Wales
If you live in England or Wales and you’re eligible for the payment, you don’t need to make an application.
If you or your partner are in receipt of the Guaranteed part of Pension Credit (Core Group 1) or if you or your partner are on a low income with a property that costs a lot to heat (Core Group 2), then you may be eligible. If you are, the Government will write to you between October and December advising that you qualify for the credit. The letter will also advise what you need to do next to receive the discount.
If you haven’t received a letter by early January then please call the Warm Home Discount Helpline on 0800 030 9322 to see if you’re eligible.
You can also find out more information and an eligibility checker on the government’s Warm Home Discount website: www.gov.uk/the-warm-home-discount-scheme