What factors affect my download speed?
The most common thing affecting your download speed is network congestion, when several people in your area are heavily using the connection at once (as explained above). Multiple devices used within your household at once can also affect speed and performance.
The amount that the download speed is slowed down depends on how heavy the usage is. For example, two people scrolling on social media will have less of an effect than two people streaming 4K videos on different devices.
Sometimes it’s not the speed of the connection itself that’s the problem, but your router having trouble connecting properly. Your provider should have a troubleshooting guide to help you check if the problem is your router. In many cases, resetting it by switching the router off from the mains for a few moments and then back on again does the trick.
The location of your router can also matter – place it away from thick walls or obstructions, and in the room where the Wi-Fi is most used. And make sure it’s not near anything that could cause interference with the wireless signal, for example, a microwave or Bluetooth device.
Sometimes the age of your router can affect your connection speed. Older modems or routers might not be up to scratch, while newer ones are designed to keep up with higher-speed connections. Older devices like computers and laptops may also run slow because they weren’t designed to be able to handle high connection speeds. Learn more about why your internet is so slow and how you can boost its speed.
In rare cases, unusually slow speeds or no connection at all might indicate that there’s an internet outage in your area. Click here to read about how to check if the internet is down in your area.
If your internet is down, you may be eligible for compensation if your provider is signed up to Ofcom’s automatic compensation scheme. It’s a voluntary scheme, so now all providers offer this service – UW is one provider currently offering it.
How do I know if I need faster broadband?
If you regularly find yourself feeling frustrated or held back by your current internet connection, the chances are you need a faster broadband plan.
Consider upgrading your connection if you often:
Have to wait more than a few moments for websites to load
Have to wait ages for files to download
Have to wait for videos to buffer
Find your video or online calls freezing or dropping out
Find your smart tech experiencing connection errors
Experience lots of lagging while online gaming
Are you already struggling with the above, or are your circumstances about to change (for example, you’re about to start working from home more often)? It may be time to get Full Fibre broadband.